Build offshore wind power tens of billions of industrial chain in Fuzhou,Fujian Province

2020-09-16 09:59:17 admin 654682
"Jianghai will flourish, and Fuzhou will flourish." "Fuzhou's advantage lies in Jianghai, Fuzhou's way out lies in Jianghai, Fuzhou's hope lies in Jianghai, and Fuzhou's development lies in Jianghai."As early as the 1990s, Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee, painted a blueprint for the development of Fuzhou to the sea with a forward-looking perspective.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our city has inherited General Secretary Xi’s exploration and practice on the development of marine economy during his work in Fujian and Fuzhou, implemented the unified deployment of the provincial party committee and the provincial government on a strong marine province, promoted the construction of marine economic development demonstration zones, and insisted on land and sea coordination, ecological priority, green development, and project-driven as the starting point to achieve high-quality development of the marine economy.


In 2019, the city's marine economic production value exceeded 260 billion yuan, and the "13th Five-Year" marine economic development plan was achieved one year ahead of schedule. The added value of the marine renewable energy utilization industry and the marine equipment manufacturing industry increased by 23.7 compared with 2018 %and 11.9%. From equipment R&D and manufacturing testing, wind farm engineering construction to wind power generation, the total output value of the offshore wind power industry chain has exceeded 5 billion yuan, becoming an important growth pole for the rapid development of the city’s marine economy.

The wind is coming from the sea, and it is the right time to exert its strength. Standing on the bank of Xinghua Bay in Fuqing, looking around, wind turbines stand like "Dinghai Shenzhen" in the vast ocean. As the wind leaves slowly turning, a steady stream of green energy is being lost to thousands of households. The domestic offshore wind turbine with the largest single-unit capacity, which has just been hoisted a few days ago, is here to show its power.

Offshore wind power is clean and environmentally friendly.According to statistics, there are currently 4 world-class offshore wind farm projects that have started construction in Fuzhou. The offshore wind power industry chain built around these wind farms that integrates offshore equipment and offshore construction projects has been initially formed, and is going to 10 billion.

It took Fuzhou only a few years from the implementation of the first offshore wind power project to building a world-class wind power industry cluster. In the past few years, Fuzhou has seized the opportunity to turn its resource advantage into a development advantage and wrote an answer to the era of high-quality development. A few days ago, our reporter visited the site to explore the strong pulse of Fuzhou offshore wind power.

A number of wind farm projects have been accelerated in fuzhou sea area

At the Three Gorges Fujian Offshore Wind Power Centralized Control Center in Jiangyin Industrial Zone, Fuqing, a giant screen the size of a movie screen is divided into multiple sections. The first phase of the Xinghua Bay Offshore Wind Power Project, including booster stations and marine transportation platforms, is in operation The situation is presented in real time.

"With a mouse move, you can see the internal situation of each wind turbine, the size and direction of the nearby ocean currents and wind speed, and you can also click to view it." According to the staff of the centralized control center, all offshore wind turbines are unattended and can be monitored online throufh view in real time. If the wind turbine is abnormal, the system will automatically alarm and send someone to repair it immediately.

As the world's largest offshore wind power prototype test site, the Xinghua Bay offshore wind power project has a total of 14 wind turbines, each from 8 domestic and foreign manufacturers. More than a year ago, they competed in this sea area in order to select the most suitable model for Fujian sea conditions and wind conditions.

"Admission of the best" not only promotes the improvement of the quality of various wind turbines, but also the development of the entire wind power industry chain." According to Zhang Hua, the relevant person in charge of the Fujian Three Gorges offshore wind power project, from survey and design, equipment manufacturing to offshore From transportation, installation and commissioning, to later operation and maintenance management, all links in the wind power industry chain have achieved rapid development in the process of "competition".

The first domestic 8MW offshore wind turbine was successfully hoisted in the second phase of the Xinghua Bay offshore wind power project on May 9. This is currently the wind turbine with the largest single-unit capacity hoisted in domestic offshore wind farms, setting a new record for the single-unit capacity of offshore wind power in my country. The center height of the hub of this wind turbine is 110 meters, which is equivalent to the height of a 36-story residential building. A single unit can generate electricity for 35,000 households a day. The research and development, production and use of large-capacity offshore wind turbines have reduced the cost of offshore wind power construction and operation and maintenance, reduced the sea area of wind farms, and increased the utilization rate of the ocean. It is understood. A total of 45 wind turbines were hoisted in the second phase of Xinghua Bay offshore wind power project.

One swallow does not make a summer.In addition to the Fuqing Xinghua Bay offshore wind farm project, there are also a number of wind farm projects that are accelerating construction in the Fuzhou waters. The Fuqing Haitan Strait Offshore Wind Farm project will continue to increase investment this year and is expected to be completed and put into operation at the end of next year; the Changle Offshore Offshore Wind Farm A project will start construction this month and is expected to start grid-connected power generation at the end of this year; the Changle Offshore Offshore Wind Farm C under construction After the district projects are completed and put into production, they can replace 535,000 tons of standard coal every year, and the annual profit and tax will be about 520 million yuan.

Industry giants have settled down to create a world-class industrial cluster

In Jiangyin, Fuqing, on the coast of the East China Sea, the elites in the Fujian Three Gorges Offshore Wind Power International Industrial Park, which covers an area of one thousand acres, gather, and production is booming. Goldwind, CRRC, Hydropower Fourth Bureau, Dongfang Wind Power, Elm Wind Power... domestic and foreign wind power giants have settled here to build a world-class offshore wind power industry cluster.

When the reporter came to the goldwind production workshop, he saw various types of wind turbine accessories neatly arranged, and a three-story white container "Big Mac" was ready to go. "This is the engine room of the 6.7 MW offshore wind turbine. In addition to loading equipment, it can also accommodate maintenance personnel." The staff introduced.

It is understood that Jinfeng Technology currently ranks among the top three in the world's wind power host industry. The factory in the Fujian Three Gorges Offshore Wind Power International Industrial Park covers an area of 88 acres. It mainly develops and produces offshore wind turbines of 6 MW and above, and builds large capacity. Offshore wind turbine test bench.

Across the road from Goldwind is a factory set up by Elm Wind Energy, the world's largest manufacturer of wind turbine blades. Different from other factories in the park, Elm’s factory is built near the sea, directly on the coast

“The blades of offshore wind turbines are often tens of meters long, and transportation on the road is very difficult. Setting the factory in a good deep-water port allows the giant blades produced to be shipped directly to the world.” Fujian Three Gorges Offshore Wind Power Industrial Park is responsible.It is said that within this year, the world's longest offshore wind turbine blade with more than 100 meters will roll off the assembly line here. The park will provide products with better performance and lower prices for offshore wind power projects, and rely on the port advantages to face the country and the world.

Wind power giants are fully displaying their skills in this hot land. At present, the industrial park has introduced 2 wind turbine factories, 1 electric motor factory, 1 blade factory, and 1 structural parts factory. Offshore wind power complete machines, motors, and main components have entered mass production, and the annual output value is expected to be reached. Approximately 15 billion yuan will initially realize the "fujian" of offshore wind power.

The continuous construction and development of the industrial park will drive the transformation and upgrading of related industries such as large-capacity unit R&D, ship equipment manufacturing, steel structure processing and manufacturing, and marine construction engineering. It will integrate technology research and development, equipment manufacturing, testing and certification, construction and installation, operation and maintenance. An integrated world-class offshore wind power equipment manufacturing industry cluster is accelerating its formation.

Offshore wind power takes into account ecological protection and strong ocean cities to achieve green development

Offshore wind power is clean and environmentally friendly, but will offshore wind power projects affect the ecological environment? In Xinghua Bay, reporters can see seabirds flying low above the sea from a distance.

"From 2018, we have hired professional companies to monitor birds in Xinghua Bay and study the effects of fan interference and electromagnetic fields on bird migration, habitat, and foraging. The entire study will last for 5 years." The relevant person in charge of the Fujian Three Gorges Xinghua Bay Wind Power Project saidthat from the current monitoring situation, the migration, habitat and foraging of birds in Xinghua Bay have not been significantly affected, and the damage or death of waterfowl migration caused by wind turbine operation has not appeared. Through investigations, it was found that as many as 41 species of waterbirds were recorded in Xinghua Bay, including rare birds such as black-billed gulls on the IUCN protected list.

Offshore wind power projects will inevitably affect the growth of fish and shrimps during the construction process. In order to make a good marine ecological compensation, the project construction unit regularly carries out multiplication and release. In the past two years, a total of 210 million Japanese shrimp larvae have been placed in the waters near Shapu Town and Sanshan Town, Fuqing City, where the project is located. This month plans to continue to release 110 million. "We plan to use 10 years to continue to carry out marine biological proliferation and release activities in the Xinghua Bay of Fuqing, and to further increase the protection of marine ecology." The person in charge of the Fujian Three Gorges Xinghua Bay Wind Power Project said.

Build a strong marine city and achieve green development. "Marine engineering equipment manufacturing and marine renewable energy utilization industries are important points for our city to accelerate the development of marine emerging industries. We are cultivating and building a tens of billions of offshore wind power industry chains, in order to promote the construction of'Offshore Fuzhou' and the national marine economy in the new era. Innovative development of demonstration cities and the establishment of national marine economic development demonstration zones have made important contributions." The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Ocean and Fisheries Bureau said that he will implement the innovation-driven development strategy, "dancing dragons, casting chains, and building clusters." The localization, large-scale, and high-end wind power industry chain will accelerate the development of a more innovative and dynamic marine economy and create a new growth pole for high-quality economic development in Fuzhou.
